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Book. Kake Make and a tooth fairy feast (Kake Make ir dantuku fejos puota). LT

Recommended for children aged 3-6 years.

Käke Käke is convinced that brushing your teeth FROM-BO-DU. And who came up with such nonsense? To be beautiful and healthy? To prevent holes? Fall out? Eh, Kake Maka doesn't care about the teachings of her parents and grandmother at all. But the Clutter Dwarf knows a much more serious reason why it's necessary to do this every day: if you don't clean up, you won't get invited to the Tooth Fairy's feast!

Everyone seems to have received an invitation, but not her. But Kakė Makė is persistent and goes to the feast uninvited. Along the way, many unexpected challenges await her, which will be helped to overcome by a long-forgotten friend - a toothbrush. With him, all obstacles become surmountable.

Join Kaka Makka and you, help her overcome the trials and get into the feast. Do you think at the end of the story she will still think that brushing her teeth is a stupid thing to do?

"This booklet describes a child's difficult journey in acquiring important health care skills. A child's experience in caring for hygiene is small, so some things that are common to adults are not self-evident to children. Learning to take care of yourself, both young and old, will require effort and patience."
Psychologist Asta Blandė

"Poppy Poop and the Tooth Fairy's Feast":

• enriches the vocabulary;
• develops imagination and helps develop perseverance;
• playfully teaches the importance of brushing teeth;
• the book contains fun tasks that the little reader will have to help Kakei Makei overcome.

What do parents say about the book?
"Thanks to this book, children began to look at brushing their teeth as a fun and meaningful thing, not as hard work. An instructive book."
Mother Liepa

Kake Kake picture books - a very popular series of books about a five-year-old girl who enjoys her childhood and tries to get to know the world around her! And while getting to know him, the heroine gets into various situations and experiences fear, jealousy, anger, and laziness. Unexpected stories, told with the help of an abundance of unique illustrations, do not moralize, but help to stimulate the child's imagination and encourage him to find the right answer himself.

Lina Zutaute is an artist and writer loved by children, born and still living in Siauliai. The author's first book "Kake Make ir Netvarkos nykstukas" appeared in 2010 and was recognized as the best book for young readers by the International Children and Youth Literature Association (IBBY). In 2013, Lina Zutauta was awarded the children's literature prize for her work for children, for the harmony of images and words. The author's work has been translated into Latvian, Estonian, Russian, Danish, Italian, Korean and many other languages.Having created one of the most famous Lithuanian literary characters - Kake Make - the author never ceases to surprise young readers with new stories!

Book. Kake Make and a tooth fairy feast (Kake Make ir dantuku fejos puota). LT

SKU: 743
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